January 2018 update on Cleared Hot (Sam Archer 10)

Happy new year! I thought I would just provide a quick update on my current work in production and the latest news with the series.
The construction of my next Sam Archer novel (‘Cleared Hot’ is the working title) is going brilliantly; at 86,000 words right now, with the editing process to start in a few weeks. I received some messages from several readers who were concerned that ‘Jump Seat’ might have been the last Sam Archer book, but have no fear. As long as you want to keep reading, I’ll keep writing these things.
We’re fast approaching over 80,000 books sold worldwide, which is absolutely crazy to me considering where this all started (writing 27 pages one November 2011 Saturday night about nine suicide bombers attacking London on New Year’s Eve). The publishing scene is rather tough at the moment, especially in a one man show like this one, but Archer continues to reach new readers and thousands of books are being sold, which makes this all worthwhile. If you haven’t already, help myself and Archer out and write us some good reviews!
As for the year to come? My main objective is to continue to expand my series/ the Sam Archer universe and give you all something to read that is more than just a generic ‘ex-Special Forces/Jack Reacher rip-off’. I’m sick of reading those books and I’m sure a lot of you are too.
Best wishes to you, my wonderful readers. Stay away from that flu going around and know that each day I am working with Archer to give you a kick ass story in a few months time.
Speak soon,